What is Business Finance? Who is responsible to manage the finance within a business firm?

 Business Finance refers to money and credit employed in business. Business Finance involves in utilization of fund i.e, purchasing fixed assets , current assets etc which helps to run smoothly and efficiently. It is needed in all types of organization large or small. In the broader context of business finance is about strategies for earning , saving and investing revenue.

                                                                                                     Business Finance is the money you need to establish  the business . Business finance includes the information of financial statement i.e, balance sheet, cash flow statement etc.

                                                Financial manager is responsible to manage the finance within a business firm because they produce or prepare financial report and develop strategies and plans for long term financial goals of their organization. Financial managers act as a business advisior to top executives. Financial Managers are responsible to manage the finance of business firm due to these responsibilities of financial managers which are written below.

a. Estimating business requirement fund

b. Investing Decision

c. Tax Management

d. Cash Management

e. Analysis of Risk

f. Make dividend pay out decision etc. Financial Managers are essential for the Organization.











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