Climate change in Nepal


Nepal is a Himalayan country having topography related to mountains, hills and plains. There varies biodiversity in climate. In every 10-15 kilometers, there are different types of climate. Having this unique climate it has not been away from the global climate change. climate change, which is addressed as the most sensitive problem, has brought so many problems in Nepal, too.

Basically, industrialized and developed countries have done so many activities that have become major causes of abnormal climate change. We are innocent victims living in Nepal like countries. It is very obvious that there are changing temperature in two diverse seasons - winter and summer. it is too hot in summer whilst chilling cold in the winter. Besides, there are some unusual and unexpected changes in the conditions of the climate.

 If we see short term effects of these climate changes, we can see immense adverse impacts on agriculture, vegetation, health, energy, industry, livelihood of people. There is no rain in monsoon, sometimes over rain, sometimes it is too much hot even our mountains snow level has decreased. It will bring so many long term effects as well. Our land will not be good place to stay. There will be various diseases caused by ultra violet rays that occur due to depletion of ozone layer which is by result of climate change. People are so opportunists and selfish that they never pay any attention to our earth and would be bad impacts in near future due to their short-sighted activities. 

          Thus, it is a global problem. It should be addressed in time and some creative solution must be implemented to resolve the problem. If we are still careless and selfish, we will loss our our dwelling places, beauty and greenery due to our careless activities and arrogance.


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